First thing out is going to the Apple App Store and downloading then installing XCode. Apple’s development software is used to build Mac and iOS apps.
Next is to open up the terminal and install the Command Line Tools for Xcode.
xcode-select --install
You will be prompted to get the Command Line Tools for Xcode. Click Install.
Then the install of Homebrew itself. Paste this into the terminal:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Next, will be asked to enter your password that will give homebrew sudo (admin) access.
You will be prompted:
==> Installation successful?
==> Next steps
Run 'brew help' to get started
type brew doctor
and if everything is good it will reply:
your system is ready to brew
Congrats, Homebrew Installed
####References#### Apple’s XCode:
Homebrew Sites:
More references: